The Tattletale Song

The Tattletale Song addresses a problem all teachers face. THE TATTLETALE. If I got paid based on how many times I heard someone tattle on someone else I think I would make more than I do. We all have those sweet little tattle tales, (bless ‘em).

This is a great song to use at the beginning of the year when you go over the rules, but it is also great to use when reviewing them at different points in the year.

“The Tattletale Song” is a new way for kids to realize what a tattletale sounds like. I know you have told them what a tattletale is..and you have said don’t be one, but now they can also discover it on their own and you can have a classroom conversation about it. It gives you a chance to go over the important things you should tell the teacher and the little things we need to work out with our friends.

It would work with any level elementary student. I have used it with lots of success with my Kindergartners in my music class. They thought it was funny and learned the words easily and sang it over and over.

You can find The Tattletale Song here

Let me know what you think and how you use it in your classroom.

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