Sing About Adjectives and Adverbs

I LOVE THIS SONG!!!! I know I wrote it (lol) but I love it. It has so much potential for classroom use on all levels. So you know those moments with your students (or your kids) where you know they can list things they learn but your not sure they can talk about the topic any further. I have those moments often. I am always looking for new ways to approach the same topics forwards,…

"Sing About Adjectives and Adverbs"

A Song About CVCe

The Silent Treatment (A song about c, v, c, silent e) Cards on the table, I would never have thought to write this song all by myself. I teach music. I do not think about phonics rules much. I think about phonetics…how to shape your mouth so that our music blends together and sounds great…and blah blah blah…you don’t care. Point being I don’t think about phonics that much. I am talking to my friend,…

"A Song About CVCe"

The Tattletale Song

The Tattletale Song addresses a problem all teachers face. THE TATTLETALE. If I got paid based on how many times I heard someone tattle on someone else I think I would make more than I do. We all have those sweet little tattle tales, (bless ‘em). This is a great song to use at the beginning of the year when you go over the rules, but it is also great to use when reviewing them…

"The Tattletale Song"