It’s a song. (Get it here) You are probably thinking… What…that sounds like a weird song! (you know you were) I don’t blame you for having your doubts, but this is a great song. It’s one of those feel good songs that takes you back to sitting around a campfire being serenaded while you eat smores.
So you’re convinced you and your students will like the song. Here are some tips on how to use it in your classroom.
You will need this song, “Letters From Camp”. (Get it here)
“Letters From Camp” is a unique story song about a raccoon (mammal) and his friend frog (amphibian). Not only will this song enhance your animal classification lesson, but this song is also cool because you can also use it for a letter writing lesson and a lesson on friendship.
It starts with a letter from raccoon to frog about summer camp. They are at different summer camps, (because they have different interest…duh:), so they are keeping in touch. Below are the lyrics to the first verse to give you an idea.
Dear Frog comma indent
I’m away at summer camp with no internet
So I’m writing you to keep in touch
The first night while I was coming my hair
A snake in the next bunk started to stare
And laugh at me because my skin wasn’t rough
In swimming class he was better than me
But I beat him in Jeopardy
That night he even stole some blankets from me
I tried asking if he wanted to play
He rudely asked if I was hatched yesterday
I said I wasn’t born that way
Then he laughed but I was prepared
I told him that I wasn’t scared
Because I’m tough I’ve got a back bone
He said, “What did you say?”
“I do too!” So we decided to play
Now he’s my best bud except for you
It’s funny how fast our friendship grew
Your best friend comma raccoon
So if you haven’t figured it out yet the saga between this raccoon and reptile is designed to bring up characteristics of these groups. Your kids can become detectives to try and find the little things that are said that describe the animal group.
Below is the same verse. I have placed numbers AFTER the reference so you can see in the key following all of the things hiding in this song.
Dear Frog comma indent
I’m away at summer camp with no internet
So I’m writing you to keep in touch
The first night while I was coming my hair (1)
A snake in the next bunk started to stare
And laugh at me because my skin wasn’t rough (2)
In swimming (3) class he was better than me
But I beat him in Jeopardy (4)
That night he even stole some blankets (5) from me
I tried asking if he wanted to play
He rudely asked if I was hatched (6) yesterday
I said I wasn’t born that way (7)
Then he laughed but I was prepared
I told him that I wasn’t scared
Because I’m tough I’ve got a backbone (8)
He said, “What did you say?”
“I do too!” (9) So we decided to play
Now he’s my best bud except for you
It’s funny how fast our friendship grew
Your best friend comma raccoon
So here are the references made to animal classification
1-Mammals have hair
2-Reptiles have rough skin
3-Reptiles swim well
4-Mammals are smarter
5-Reptiles are cold blooded
6-Reptiles are hatched
7-Mammals are not hatched
8-Mammals have a backbone
9-Reptiles have a backbone
Awesome right? Don’t worry the second verse (the letter from the frog) addresses amphibians, fish, and birds. It is set up in the same way… the kids find the hidden clues in the song.
After finding all of the talking points in the song you can then discuss what camp some other animals might enjoy…or name some more unlikely friends and list their differences.
Let me know what you think of this song and some ways you used it in your classroom. Can’t wait to hear!
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