So you know those moments with your students (or your kids) where you know they can list things they learn but your not sure they can talk about the topic any further. I have those moments often. I am always looking for new ways to approach the same topics forwards, backwards, upside down, sideways, front door, back door….you get it.
That’s what we all are doing. If kids…well anyone… can approach a topic from different ways…well..the clouds open and George Fredric Handle’s Messiah plays from a beautiful beam of light….you get it!
That is the beauty of the Adjective, Adverb song. There are so many ways you can approach this song. And it’s fun! (Get it here)
There are two characters in this song, Adjective Annie and Adverb Andrew. They are brother and sister. They went on the same vacation but have different ways of describing it. After Annie takes her turn listing all of the adjectives from the trip we tell her that was great but she never said what she actually did. She tells us that’s Andrew’s department. Then he lists the adverbs from the trip.
So it’s a list song….not exactly. After the kids have fun listening to it the real fun begins. Let’s take Annie’s list and try to figure out what nouns she could be describing on their vacation to the shore. We all have different ideas cause there could be lots of right answers. What a cool class discussion!
What a cool creative writing project for your students! Where did Annie and Andrew go? Being sure to include all of the adjective and adverbs from the song in the story.
What a cool art project! Draw and color where Annie and Andrew went on vacation. Make sure their describing words could be used to describe your picture.
Now have them list only adjectives, adverbs, or both to describe something, (Maybe something at school) and we all have to guess. What a cool game! Hello higher order thinking…your welcome principle:)
If you teach or have children learning adjectives and adverbs (no matter the level)…Do yourself a favor and check it out. Let me know how you use it. I think you will love it too!
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